North American GM crops not showing higher yields than conventional crops in Europe

‘If the recent projections published in the latest report from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) turn out to be correct, the world’s population will continue to grow at a relatively high pace. With the planet’s population expected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050, which is a 33 percent increase from the estimated 7.4 billion now, many look to Monsanto’s long-standing promise to help meet the food demands of these added billions.
With the promise of increased yields and protection from pests and diseases in mind, GM crops have become a widespread feature of modern agriculture in the United States and Canada. However, Europe was not fooled 20 years ago by the deceptive promises of the GMO industry, and for the most part rejected GMO products.
An extensive examination by the New York Times that compared results on the two continents, using independent data as well as scientific and industry research, revealed something interesting.’
Read more: North American GM crops not showing higher yields than conventional crops in Europe

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