Obamacare collapsing as rates double, exchanges implode: nowhere for Americans to turn

‘Americans are once again having to face the grim reality of “Hope and Change” following the latest open enrollment coverage period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as “Obamacare,” which began on November 1. Much to the shock of millions, many of whom falsely believed that the new “law” would make health insurance cheaper as its name suggests, rates are continuing to go up, up, and away – and in many cases, consumers now have even fewer health plans from which to choose.
According to reports, premiums are spiking all across the country, in many cases to the tune of double digits. The Obama administration recently announced that the average rate hike will end up being about 25 percent, though in some areas like Tennessee, that figure is turning out to be more like 50 percent.’
Read more: Obamacare collapsing as rates double, exchanges implode: nowhere for Americans to turn

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