PM May should ‘beg forgiveness’ for UK’s colonial sins: Indian MP

‘A prominent Indian politician says UK Prime Minister Theresa May should kneel down before the Indian nation and apologize for Britain’s past atrocities during its colonial rule.
“People who are not responsible today for the wrongs done by their forebearers in the past era apologize nonetheless to people who are not the ones to whom wrong was done. But it is in a sense an entire society apologizing to entire people,” Shashi Tharoor, MP from Thiruvananthapuram, told Indian media.
Tharoor, who currently serves as chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs, advised the British prime minister to “bend her knees and beg forgiveness” for all the sins committed during the British Raj.’
Read more: PM May should ‘beg forgiveness’ for UK’s colonial sins: Indian MP

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