Smart Meter Case Testimony Before The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission: What No One Wants To Acknowledge About EMF Damage

‘The following is the testimony I will present pro se [without a lawyer representing me] to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s Administrative Law Court, November 2 and 3, 2016 as a result of my not permitting an AMI Smart Meter to be retrofitted on to my electric service by PECO, an Exelon Company that provides electricity and service to the suburban Philadelphia where I live.
This testimony addresses most of the health, legal, and constitutional issues, plus the politics involved regarding the unsafe and RF/EMF cancer-causing technology forced on consumers, along with threats of no electric service if utility customers refuse an AMI Smart Meter.’
Read more: Smart Meter Case Testimony Before The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission: What No One Wants To Acknowledge About EMF Damage

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