The Consequences of Being Politically Incorrect

Well, at least they aren’t sending us to camps… yet.

That’s probably next. One thing does follow another, like dominos. The logic of it being as inexorable, ultimately, as gravitational pull.

So I ought not to be surprised that GM has pulled its panties tight and told me I will no longer be granted access to GM press vehicles because of the article (this one) I wrote a few weeks back about GM’s retiring Vice President of Diversity, the right reverend Dr. Eric Peterson, LLD, DDS.

Well, GM hasn’t said it’s because of that.

Sort of like not mentioning the role of the Moon’s pull on the inflow of the tide.

It is just coincidence that, after an unbroken 23-year run of regular access to GM’s press fleet, of having written for almost every major auto mag/paper/web site, including, TheCarConnection, AOL Autos, The Detroit Free Press, Chicago Tribune, major airlines’ in-flight magazines… it just happens that a couple of weeks after that article ran, I get a sour note from Joseph LaMuraglia of GM’s “media team” (we’re all team players!) that their internal metrics or some such criteria as fed into an algorithm have spat out the result that I am no longer eligible:


Thank you for your notes. As I mentioned before, we are in the midst of a restructuring of our fleets to reduce costs. This cost reduction involves reducing the number of vehicles and consequently, the number of loans we offer.

Unfortunately, based on the responses you provided on the survey and the facts stated above, we cannot offer you any vehicles at this time.

Thank you for your understanding.

Joe LaMuraglia

Meanwhile, EPAutos has more eyes on it than my old newspaper – The Washington Times – ever did.

I mentioned this to LaMuraglia without effect.

He, of course, did not mention the Peterson article, the true source of the trouble.

Someone inside GM saw it and – no doubt – an outgushing of micro (and macro) aggressed aggrievement erupted.

Within the company, to show less than orgiastic enthusiasm for “diversity” – however defined by the perpetually aggrieved – is a worse offense than forged engineering credentials or having designed a defective engine. One must demonstrate the sort of striving joy toward Persons of Color (except one color) described by Orwell when he portrayed the yoga-suited harpie female exercise (“physical jerks”) leader who put Winston Smith through his paces.

“You’re not trying, Comrade! Anyone under 40 is perfectly capable of touching his toes! Watch me. I am 35 and I have had three children. There! That’s better!”

Read the Whole Article

The post The Consequences of Being Politically Incorrect appeared first on LewRockwell.

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