The Elections Expose a Once-Great Nation

Enemies of the United States are joyously watching its upcoming elections that are exposing this once great nation as deeply corrupt.  It’s as if a huge rock has been turned over, exposing the swarming, slithering underside of America’s political system.

For those who admire America, like this writer, this week is a time to weep for the republic.

We see two candidates who are utterly unfit for the highest office:  Hilary Clinton, engulfed by scandals, and blustering TV mogul Donald Trump, a man of profound shallowness who advocates Islamophobia, torture, and environmental ignorance.

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Hillary Clinton’s core supporters are black food stamp and welfare recipients, and legions of women who are voting simply by gender. Trump’s core supporters are tax-paying workers who have watched Wall Street loot America’s economy and send their jobs abroad.  

This supreme idiocy could lead directly to nuclear war with Russia, something I’ve been warning against for years.

There has been no mention in the campaign of rebuilding the Arab world, ravage by western imperial interventions.  Little mention of some 12 million Syrian refugees created by the Saudis and the US. Nor of five million Palestinian refugees, and who knows how many in Iraq, Libya, Somalia and now war-ravaged Yemen.  And not a word about America’s stalemated war in Afghanistan. Nothing about a shaky Europe.  Nor how to accommodate China’s rise.

Instead, we’ve heard tirades against the phony ISIS, which is funded by the Saudis, and Hilary Clinton’s absurd claims that wicked Vlad Putin is somehow behind America’s foreign disasters.   It’s stupid and shameful demagoguery.

At least Trump has the good sense to urge that we end our pointless confrontation with Russia and scale back the unaffordable American Empire.  Few Americans know that almost half their government’s budget is spent on the military.

Besides disgusting many Americans, the presidential campaign has made the US an object of derision and embarrassment around the globe.   Many analysts claim that this grand fiasco marks the beginning of the end of US global hegemony.   It’s certainly the beginning of the beginning.

This week alone, the Philippines and Malaysia, two staunch American allies, edged closer to China’s camp.  Neither Trump nor Clinton had a care for America’s reputation during their ugly debates.

My fear is that the election vitriol will not end America’ shame and misery but continue on, like an acid eating into the national fabric.

The post The Elections Expose a Once-Great Nation appeared first on LewRockwell.

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