The Real Winner of the 2016 Elections Is …. The Weapons Industry. Military Contractor Stocks Soar…

‘To make sure that happy days are here again the MICC is taking a hands-on approach. Inside Defense reports that Mira Ricardel, a former Boeing vice president for international business development for network and space systems, will be working under former Army general and defense executive Keith Kellogg to run President-elect Donald Trump’s Defense Department transition team. Kellogg will run Trump’s defense team, with Ricardel in charge of the Pentagon transition.
This just another example of the classic revolving door between private and public sector work. Between 1994-1998, according to an analysis by the Boston Globe, fewer than 50 percent of retiring three- and four-star officers went to work as consultants or defense executives. By 2004-2008, that number had jumped to 80 percent.’
Read more: The Real Winner of the 2016 Elections Is …. The Weapons Industry. Military Contractor Stocks Soar…

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