The Secrets Are Revealed…

‘Our country is at war. But, I’m not talking about the wars in the Middle East, including the war against ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban. Nor do I mean the war against rampant street drugs and poverty. These “wars” are the “tip of the iceberg” and the result of a very organized and advanced totalitarian plan that has enveloped planet Earth. What’s really going on is an agenda much deeper, darker, and more alarming than can be imagined.
By now, terms like “New World Order,” “Global Elites” and Illuminati are common conversation as touched upon in my earlier post and, particularly, in the featured video dealing with the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which brings out the story of a great lie that propagandized Americans to enter the war against Saddam Hussein. This video shows a complete lie.’

Read more: The Secrets Are Revealed…

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