The way the poor are being scapegoated in this country should be a national disgrace.

‘When Osborne was in office he, Cameron and IDS cut well in excess of £20bn from welfare. They were all crowing about this during the last general election. They were all telling us that they were making work pay.
What they were not crowing about however was that the savings made from welfare during their time in office were not used to pay down the deficit. No these savings were in fact used in order to give tax cuts to those a lot further up the tree. Tax cuts like cutting the top rate of income tax by 5% and reducing corporation tax to it’s lowest ever level.
So in essence what Osborne and co did was to take from the poor and then give what was taken to those a lot lot further up the income scale.’
Read more: The way the poor are being scapegoated in this country should be a national disgrace.

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