Tony Blair did not deceive Parliament to take Britain into Iraq War, MPs rule and Corbyn hides

‘MPs have voted down a motion on whether or not former Prime Minister Tony Blair should be held to account for allegedly deceiving Parliament to take Britain into the 2003 Iraq invasion…
…Some 439 MPs voted in defense of Blair while only 70 voted he should be held to account…
…It was opposed by the section of right-wing Labour MPs who subscribe to Blair’s ideas, several of whom argued that the debate was an SNP ploy to split Labour.
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who was elected partly on the basis of his opposition to Blair-era misadventures, and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell have also attracted criticism for their decision not to attend the debate.’
Read more: Tony Blair did not deceive Parliament to take Britain into Iraq War, MPs rule and Corbyn hides

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