Trudeau ‘cash-for-access’ fundraiser parallels Hillary


‘If the jury is still out regarding whether would-be Tory boss Kellie Leitch — she of the immigrant “values” tests — deserves to be called “Canada’s Trump,” we at least have a pretty clear idea of who’s “Canada’s Hillary.”
On Tuesday, The Globe and Mail blew the lid off an apparent “cash-for-access” fundraiser involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the parallels with America’s recent presidential also-ran are eerie.
Like the Clintons, the Trudeau family has its very own save-the-world NGO — the “Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation” — run by a board full of various washed-up but well-connected politicians, bureaucrats and CEOs (Justin himself only quit in 2015).’
Read more: Trudeau ‘cash-for-access’ fundraiser parallels Hillary

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