Turkey slams EU for ‘insignificant’ vote on accession talks

‘Turkish officials have strongly condemned a recent decision by the European Parliament to shelve accession negotiations with the Ankara government over the large-scale crackdown in the aftermath of the failed mid-July coup.
“The decision means nothing to us. Our relationship with the EU is not tight anyway. We have a pushy relationship with the EU… It is a great discrepancy that Europe says Turkey is irreplaceable on security issues on one hand, while taking these kinds of decisions with flimsy reasons. We expect the leaders of the European Union countries to raise their voices against this lack of vision,” Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said at a press conference in the capital Ankara on Thursday.
He warned that Europe could be inundated with refugees and asylum seekers in case Turkey does not offer assistance under an agreement signed in March.’
Read more: Turkey slams EU for ‘insignificant’ vote on accession talks

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