UK porn censors to ban spanking, female ejaculation & ‘unconventional’ sex acts

‘Web users in Britain will be banned from accessing porn sites showing “non-conventional” sex acts such as spanking and female ejaculation under a little discussed clause to a bill currently going through parliament.
The proposal is part of the Digital Economy Bill that would require strict age verification checks to stop children from accessing adult websites, while banning anything that wouldn’t be allowed on a commercially available DVD.
Under British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) rules, the content of porn films would be limited, including the sight of menstrual blood, the “penetration of any object associated with violence,” and any sexual act deemed “obscene” under a law passed in 1959.
The “four finger rule” would reportedly also apply, which limits the number of digits that can be placed into any orifice while on video.’
Read more: UK porn censors to ban spanking, female ejaculation & ‘unconventional’ sex acts

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