US Takes Big Step Towards War With Russia

‘Buried in Sunday’s news was the announcement that the U.S. military has begun a “major military” offensive in Raqqa, Syria, the self-declared capital of ISIS.
Approximately 30,000 fighters will participate in the U.S.-led operation. The group expected to carry out the bulk of the fighting is the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, or the YPG. The YPG is the military extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a group that is on the U.S. terrorism list.
(It is not known if U.S. officials were asked about the duplicity of declaring the PKK a terrorist group while at the same time working with them in the region.)
The U.S. will first attempt to seal off Raqqa before venturing into the city itself – actions that government officials say will not be completed prior to Barack Obama leaving office.’
Read more: US Takes Big Step Towards War With Russia

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