US to send tanks, helicopters & 6,000 troops to join First East Europe armored brigade deployment

‘The US Army will deploy nearly 6,000 troops, along with tanks, infantry vehicles, heavy howitzers, and combat helicopters to step up its “armored presence” in Eastern Europe, where a massive NATO buildup to counter an “assertive” Russia is underway.
The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team (3rd ABCT) of the Colorado-based 4th Infantry Division will deploy 4,000 soldiers in the region in January of next year, the US Army said in a press release.
In addition, the Army will send more than half of the New York-based 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, comprising 1,750 airmen, along with 60 aircraft, including CH-47 Chinooks, UH-60 Blackhawks, and medevac helicopters, according to Stars and Stripes.’
Read more: US to send tanks, helicopters & 6,000 troops to join First East Europe armored brigade deployment

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