Wampanoag People Serve Up Much-Needed Thanksgiving History Lessons

‘Wampanoag people working at the Plymouth Plantation share their ancestral history with visitors year-round. But you don’t have to visit the Massachusetts museum to hear firsthand about what Thanksgiving means to them.
In August 2016, Plymouth Plantation and PACTV collaborated on the new documentary People of the First Light: Thanksgiving: A Native Perspective. The film shares how the Wampanoag continue to educate and inspire Americans to rediscover history.
“The Wampanoag tribe, who hosted the first Thanksgiving, are people who have been [in America] for 12,000 years,” John Brown, material culture specialist at the Plymouth Plantation, explains in the film. And many Wampanoags are still living in the very same area.’

Read more: Wampanoag People Serve Up Much-Needed Thanksgiving History Lessons

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