Are You Iodine Deficient?

Most of us never consider the link between diet and chronic fatigue or insomnia. A body produces negative warning reactions when it has too much or too little of any given thing. Most of us lack vital nutrients like the B vitamins, which are found in most vegetables. They are weakened by cooking, and they are destroyed whenever they are microwaved.

Iodine is an element that is found in trace amounts throughout the human body. It is the foundation of all nutrition since cells need it to regulate their metabolism. When lacking iodine, people are known to suffer from swollen glands in the throat, thyroid diseases, increased fluoride toxicity, decreased fertility rates, increased infant mortality rates, sugar regulation problems, and (with severe deficiency) mental retardation. It has been theorized as a cause of A.D.H.D. for newborns of iodine-deficient mothers. Iodine is the only substance known to neutralize fluoride stored inside the body, and it can shield against some radiation damage.

A New York Times syndicate reported:

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“Besides causing unsightly goiters, iodine deficiency slows all the systems of the body: The digestive system becomes sluggish, nails grow more slowly, skin and hair become dry and dull, tendon reflexes stiffen, sensitivity to cold increases and the pulse slows. Iodine helps form who we are to such an extent that a deficiency can lead to a dulling of the personality, deterioration of attention and memory, increase in irritability due to fatigue and extreme apathy.”

Iodine deficiencies, soy consumption, and fluoride exposure are all causes of the hypothyroidism epidemic. Hypothyroidism generally strikes women, causing fatigue, weight gain, and cancers amongst many other problems. Therefore, we recommend topical applications of iodine, because there is no known toxicity when it is absorbed through the skin into the blood. No person anywhere understands why, but it is a verifiable fact that low to moderate amounts of iodine are harmless when absorbed transdermally.

Organic iodine is found in some foods naturally, including eggs, sea salt, cheese, asparagus, garlic, beans, spinach, and beef. As is usual with all of the critical minerals, iodine is found in higher amounts in organic foods, and there is no comparison between organic iodine and the chemically synthesized versions of iodine found in retailer products and or those so often sold by quacks. The difference is a glaring example of the difference between God-made and man-made foods.

The Iodine Speed Test / Iodine Patch Test

Most people are deficient in iodine, and there is a simple test that can be used by anyone to determine if he is deficient. This is the test that was once used by the establishment, and from our studies of it, we still believe that it is more reliable than the modern blood tests. Here is the simple procedure:

  1. Apply standard 2% topical iodine in a circular area that is about the size of a silver dollar (2 inches) on the abdomen, and allow it to completely dry before redressing.
  2. Check to see if it disappears within 12 hours.

If the iodine disappears within 12 hours, then the test subject is iodine deficient. This test works due to the fact that the skin absorbs iodine at the rate at which it is needed. We do not pretend to understand the whole process, but the results accurately and reliably reflect iodine consumption in the diet. Whenever a person is ill, transdermal iodine will absorb especially rapidly because iodine helps to produce the hormones which fuel the immune system. In our own testing, we have witnessed a 4 to 5 times absorption increase during periods of high stress or illness.

Apply the iodine cautiously, for real iodine is brown and it will stain almost anything. Always avoid the harmful substitutes for iodine, such as clear iodine and povidone iodine.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet regarding the application of iodine for those with Hashimoto’s, with much of it being entirely wrong. Iodine dosage is especially important in Hashimoto thyroiditis cases since an overdose can destroy the patient’s thyroid. However, a small amount of iodine does actually help this condition. Problems tend to occur for those who consume potassium iodide supplements, and those who internally consume iodine drops. There is greatly reduced risk with iodine applied transdermally, as we generally recommend. Remember that transdermal application allows a body to better self-regulate iodine absorption.

If you feel that you must consume iodine orally, then get it through supplementing with red marine algae. It is the safest natural source for oral iodine supplementation, but other underwater vegetation generally contains toxins such as heavy metals and PCB’s. You can also get iodine safely by eating fish. The oral intake of potassium iodide is a much safer alternative to iodine amongst those who are careful not to overdose, but people should beware of additives such as sodium benzoate. Potassium iodide should never be used by those with Hashimoto’s disease.

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