Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Viruses

It may be the cosy sanctuary where we spend the most time every day – 49 hours per week if you sleep for seven hours per night – but how hygienic is your bed?

Most people love the idea of a freshly made bed, but washing bed linen regularly can be too much of a chore for some – and it could be detrimental to your health.

Dr Lisa Ackerley, Hygiene Doctor and Dettol Expert, reveals that if you don’t wash your sheets weekly, you could be putting yourself at risk of serious viruses and infections.

‘Think of all the things you do in bed,’ said Dr Ackerley. ‘Apart from being the place where we go to sleep, it can double up as the home office, the tea room, the dining table or even your dog or cat’s bed.

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‘Depending upon what your bed is used for, and also how clean you are when you get in it (and indeed whether you wear nightwear), your bed can get pretty filthy and may actually be causing your body harm.’

Here, she shares the ways your dirty bed could be wrecking havoc with your health – and it will put you off ever wanting to skip laundry again.

Germs – bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses

We have all sorts of bacteria and fungi on our bodies and most are perfectly fine, but the bed is a great place for them to breed, particularly if you think about all the moisture that builds up as we sleep, saliva, fluids, skin cells and, of course, all the other things that get into the bed, from faecal matter to food.

One such bacteria that can spread in our sheets is Staphylococcus aureus – a bacterium that is a commonly found on human skin or in the nose of a healthy person, and on cuts and boils of those suffering from these conditions.

Illnesses such as skin and wound infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bacteraemia (blood stream infection) may develop if these bacteria enter the body.

These bacteria will build up on sheets if you don’t launder them for some time, and can cause infections, particularly if you happen to nick the skin by scratching whilst asleep.

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