Barry’s Real Legacy

The ongoing daily reality comedy we know as “the news” is reporting cheerfully on President Obama’s “legacy” and his feverish attempts to fossilize it into place. Evidently, Obama is burning the midnight biodiesel and will work harder over the next month even more than he did for the last eight years. Now, this is usual Democrat “lame duck” crap like pardoning convicted felons, establishing environmental protection for the habitat of the South Chickawallup Warbling Mosquito, and stashing billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of federal agencies that then manage to act as governments unto themselves. But besides all of this, I think the entire world is overlooking Obama’s major legacy which will continue for decades to come.

The legacy the world forgot is ISIS, the Syrian Civil War, and mass migration as a result. Let me state it plainly: The whole idea to bring “democracy” to Syria was hatched by the Obama Administration and probably mostly by the Emperor himself. In time, when Assad didn’t “step down” as Obama demanded, this went into an ego contest between Obama and Assad. Then between Obama, Assad, and Putin. The thing was, Assad and Putin weren’t trying to match egos with Obama, but that’s how Obama took it. Therefore, it became a huge mission to save Obama’s pride because he was being thwarted in demanding Assad step down.

Let us be realistic here. ISIS could not have scored the battlefield victories they did without serious military weaponry coming from the United States government. Let’s remember that the Democrats are masters at re-wording things to sound different. Hence, terrorism itself is reworded to things like “extremist violence” and so forth. Thus, out-and-out terrorists were called “Syrian moderates” to justify funneling weapons to them. This is how they got TOW anti-tank missiles to take out Assad’s armor and anti-aircraft missiles capable of downing Assad’s aircraft. Not to mention continual re-supply of replacement small arms, ammunition, light artillery, food, clothing, medical supplies, and vehicles. I mean, come on, they were finding American-made pick-up trucks in the hands of ISIS which were sold as used vehicles within the United States. To whom? I bet we both know.

The United States arms pipeline as far as small arms goes originates in Eastern Europe. Our brand spanking new NATO allies, who also hate Putin and Russia rather conveniently. This is where the Kalashnikovs, 12.7mm heavy machine guns, and RPG-7s come from. Those were not picked up at a yard sale. Those were supplied by the United States from purchases in Eastern Europe, which the United States learned to do during the Iraq War. That’s how we armed the Iraqi puppet army after 2003. I daresay the United States government has a blanket purchase order in effect over in Eastern Europe. Now, what happened is the United States thought these groups would topple Assad and then very gregariously invite the U.S. government to install an “elected leader” via a rigged election where both candidates were groomed by U.S. covert agencies years ago.

However, what happened is these people played the U.S. government like a cheap fiddle. You’ve got to hand it to them. They sure gave Obama and the United States government a good, swift kick in the keester. One reason they consistently attack Europe is because once Europe throws in the towel, any NATO response is essentially hamstrung. Attacking the United States will only generate more stubborn attempts by the United States to get NATO involved. One thing is also that the United States thought ISIS would quickly defeat Assad and then ISIS could be defeated afterward by a U.S. “provisional government”. They wanted to use ISIS to defeat Assad because ISIS was and is the most effective anti-Assad army over there. However, again, the United States fumbled the ball and not only did the conflict spill over into Iraq and drag in Iran, but Russia then stepped in.

While this was all going on, the largest mass migration seen in recent history began. Again, the White House failed to foresee the consequences of its actions. Gosh, Obama, how will you hold elections in Syria without voters? Absentee ballots, perhaps? Mailed where? These people are now all homeless. Europe has soaked up tens of thousands of refugees and more are coming. See, at no point did the Obama Administration realize they FAILED and give up this woefully tragic course of action. No, instead, they kept right on arming and training “rebels” over there and that kept the war going. Rather than cooperate with the nations fighting ISIS, they were training “rebels” to fight Assad, Iran, Russia, and ISIS. Now who would be dumb enough to sign up for a gig like that? The United States could barely keep its pants on fighting the Germans and Japanese at the same time back in the day. And they want these rebels to fight three governments and one quasi-state entity? Come on, let’s float down to reality here. These “rebels” also played Obama like a cheap fiddle.

If Europe wants to keep right on soaking up terrorist attacks and think Obama was not the responsible party for it all, then they are more foolish than the Americans that think Obama established some “legacy” that isn’t stained with the blood of hundreds of thousands of people. Obama is directly responsible for the Syrian Civil War dragging on for years because only U.S.-supplied weapons made that possible. Had this been a Republican that did that, the blame would have been laid right at the doorstep of the White House. Think I exaggerate? Look at the Iran-Contra Scandal. The press hectored and badgered Reagan relentlessly over that one because of Reagan armed terrorists in Central America in order to topple a hated government over there. He sold weapons to Iran to do so. Now Obama has pretty much done the exact same thing in Syria and there is no “Syria-ISIS Scandal” that will nip at his heels as he leaves office.

Now, if al-Qaida is the control group by which we can judge the tenure of ISIS, we can look forward to another two decades of attacks from ISIS, at the least. See, al-Qaida began during the Afghan-Soviet War (another terrorist group we created to fight a government, too) and started operations against the West in 1993. They hit the World Trade Center with a truck bomb and that was during Clinton, remember? So, Europe better gets used to these attacks. These will continue for decades to come. And the United States better get its head unstuck from its fourth point of contact, too. I’d say we’ll see some major attacks soon that will dwarf the last two shooting attacks. History just says that we haven’t seen the ISIS version of 9/11 yet. That, President Obama, will be your true legacy.

Political correctness kills. Liberals say “words matter” and that’s why they don’t call terrorism “terrorism”. Right, but you clods don’t do anything more than tell lies anyway, so words actually do NOT matter when they originate from your mouths. Liberals say calling terrorism “terrorism” gives the terrorist power. Wrong. Words do not give them power. The weapons Obama gave them gives them power. That’s the legacy the world will reap for decades to come.

The post Barry’s Real Legacy appeared first on LewRockwell.

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