British Town Mass-Medicating School Children with Free Fluoridated Milk

‘The town of Blackpool, located on the northwest coast of England, began distributing fluoridated milk to about 8000 primary school children, after The Blackpool Town Council approved the program in early 2016. Fluoridated milk is now available via the town’s free school breakfast program.
This program aims to address the problem of tooth health in children, and the Council states that half of the 12-year-olds in Blackpool have at least one decayed, missing or filled tooth, whereas the average for England is 33%, and 41% of 5-year-olds in Blackpool have tooth decay, 13% higher than the national average.
Despite the plan’s roll out, there are many opponents to mass medication via programs such as milk fluoridation.’
Read more: British Town Mass-Medicating School Children with Free Fluoridated Milk

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