Causing autism before birth – is that the insidious goal of Big Pharma’s new push for vaccinating babies in the womb?

‘Has there ever been “vaccine safety science?” Ever since the disputed Polio vaccination was “discovered” by Dr. Jonas F. Salk, fear and propaganda have been the only advertising needed to convince a couple hundred million Americans that vaccines are safe and effective, even though most are neither. Dial it back to 1955 when a rogue, haphazard scientist by the name of Salk took some monkey kidneys, cut them up into little pieces, rocked them in vials like a baby in a carriage with some polio viruses in a “nutrient solution,” and suddenly declared he found the cure for polio.’
Read more: Causing autism before birth – is that the insidious goal of Big Pharma’s new push for vaccinating babies in the womb?

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