CNN Fake News vs Real News: First Images of Abandoned Terrorist Facilities in East Aleppo, Not From CNN

‘The Western mainstream media continue to give a twisted picture of reality in Aleppo.
During CNN’s coverage of newly liberated areas of East Aleppo on Wednesday afternoon, CNN anchor Kate Bolduan (who cried profusely over staged ‘Dusty Boy’ Omran image) spoke to her correspondent Fred Pleitgen by telephone (offering no real images, so it’s impossible to verify if Pleitgen was actually in East Aleppo as CNN claimed, more than likely he was not), and Bolduan refers to Pleitgen as “the first western journalist inside East Aleppo,” which is in itself a lie, as RT’s Lizzie Phelan (who is British and therefore western) was already reporting from the East-West green line in Aleppo since late Monday.’
Read more: CNN Fake News vs Real News: First Images of Abandoned Terrorist Facilities in East Aleppo, Not From CNN

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