Denzel Washington exposes the media for peddling fake news and ‘Bullshit’

‘Celebrities in Hollywood have mostly been insufferable over the past year. Leading up to the 2016 presidential election, they all mindlessly rallied around Hillary Clinton, while telling everyone who dared question her abilities that they were racist bigots if they didn’t vote for Clinton come November.
By trying to pass themselves off as morally superior geniuses, they set themselves up for huge failure if Clinton were to lose. So when she lost to Donald Trump in a landslide defeat, Hollywood liberals rushed to the press to blame everyone except the mainstream media.
However, Academy Award winner Denzel Washington was not willing to fall in line with many of his Hollywood peers. In fact, he completely stood against them and called out the mainstream media outlets for their corruption.’
Read more: Denzel Washington exposes the media for peddling fake news and ‘Bullshit’

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