Era Of Wisdom Radio With Cassius Kamarampi And Brandon Turbeville: 21st Century Cures Act, ‘Fake News,’ Syria and Chemtrails

‘In this first edition of Era of Wisdom radio, we go over the “fake news” hysteria in context with the BBC promoting child beheading “Syrian rebels,” we go over the big pharma dream of the “21st Century Cures Act,” we go over the pro-propaganda, anti-alternative media bill that slipped into the NDAA calling for the establishment of a government agency to promote the US and counter “fake news” (which is us).
We go into Brandon’s experience in Lebanon, the crimes of the US and its coalition in Syria, even chemtrails and biological warfare that is apparently being conducted on us, as people report illness after spraying in the US, and thousands were recently hospitalized in Australia due to what they call “thunderstorm athsma.”’
Part One …

Part Two …


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