EU MPs debate stripping Poland of voting rights after new law restricts public meetings

‘Adoption of a controversial law limiting freedom of assembly in Poland provoked a wave of criticism at home and prompted the EU parliament to discuss the possibility of stripping Poland of its voting rights within the bloc.
The debate was provoked by an adoption of amendments to the Polish freedom of assembly law that give priority to the rallies that authorities deem to have “national importance.” The move has been sharply criticized by the opposition, as well as some human rights groups and even the Polish Supreme Court, as disproportionate and unjustified.
The legislation proposed by the MPs from the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) Party and passed by the Polish Senate late Tuesday envisages the possibility for any group to “book” a place for holding “periodical” rallies for up to three years with the consent of local authorities.’
Read more: EU MPs debate stripping Poland of voting rights after new law restricts public meetings

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