Filth, Chaos, Satanic Symbols, and Orgies

Shocking video and images have emerged from inside the doomed Oakland warehouse depicting a squalid ‘hell-hole’ not fit to live in – as a tenant told how cats urinated everywhere and it was the venue for an orgy.

The footage and photos, obtained exclusively by, shows the living quarters of some of the residents of the building known as the Oakland Ghost Ship.

While photos on the art collective’s website show an eclectic and creative space for artists and musicians, the reality of life behind the scenes in this dilapidated building is horrific.

Dark and dingy rooms don’t look fit for humans, with exposed electrical wires and panels, venting pipes and piles of junk and old clothes everywhere.

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Tenant Shelley Mack, who disclosed the pictures to also revealed that there were three fires while she lived there  – in late 2014 and early 2015 – caused by faulty electrics.

Chaotic firetrap: The extent to which debris was blocking rat-run corridors and jerry-rigged gas and electrical systems is revealed in the pictures obtained by DailyMail.comChaotic firetrap: The extent to which debris was blocking rat-run corridors and jerry-rigged gas and electrical systems is revealed in the pictures obtained by

Chaotic firetrap: The extent to which debris was blocking rat-run corridors and jerry-rigged gas and electrical systems is revealed in the pictures obtained by

Weird mystical symbols: The 'collective' was run by Derrick Ion Almena who made this Hindu-inspired artwork a centerpiece in the vast space

Weird mystical symbols: The ‘collective’ was run by Derrick Ion Almena who made this Hindu-inspired artwork a centerpiece in the vast space

‘They were small fires. There were no sprinklers so everybody was just aware, if you smelled smoke you would go look and put it out.

‘They were isolated fires, a transponder blew up and electrical sockets got overloaded, everybody was very aware that the place was a fire hazard, it was filled with old dried wood and wooden furniture.

‘There were power cords and extension cords hooked up to extension cords everywhere. To get across all the place to heat and light all the trailers. Everybody would plug in and they’d get overloaded, refrigerators and microwaves and cell phones, lots of electrical equipment and massive stereo equipment, any system would have been overloaded.’

Mack even described being disturbed by two people having sex on top of her trailer in the middle of the night.

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