First generation human detection software already being used on the elderly


‘The latest in population control technology is being unveiled in Singapore, where the elderly are now being used as human guinea pigs in a collaborative trial to see how effectively humans can be tracked using wireless sensor technology. According to The Straits Times, two senior studio apartments have already been equipped with the technology, including the installation of seven small sensors strategically placed throughout the premises that actively monitor the whereabouts of the seniors who live there.
Every time Madam Ng Siew Eng, one of the participating elderly patients, leaves her house, her caretakers and family members are able to track her whereabouts thanks to a special device attached to her house keys. This device communicates remotely with a server that keeps tabs on her every move, that way if someone is needing to find her they can do so in real time, should an unexpected emergency occur.’
Read more: First generation human detection software already being used on the elderly

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