Gambia forces raid office of electoral commission

‘Gambian military forces have taken over the office of the Independent Electoral Commission amid a dispute over the result of a recent presidential election.
Alieu Momarr Njai, the chairman of the commission, said on Tuesday that security forces had entered the commission’s building.
“The military came to my office and said I am not to touch anything and told me to leave,” Njai said, adding, “I am worried for my safety.”
The raid comes amid increasing disagreement about the result of the recent presidential election. President Yahya Jammeh, who reportedly gained 208,487 votes or about 40 percent, had initially conceded defeat against Adama Barrow, who obtained 222,708 votes or over 43.3 percent. However, Jammeh later changed his mind after the commission revised some results.’
Read more: Gambia forces raid office of electoral commission

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