Healthcare Workers Warn That Mandatory Vaccines Are Already Here

‘Since the passage of California State Bill 792, or the “Mandatory Vaccination Law,’ concerned citizens around the country have been publicly voicing their discontent with the notion of forced vaccines. Now, professional healthcare workers are warning us that an insidious form of mandatory vaccines are already here, and in a recent video, nurse Lauren Atkinson, from Georgia, shares her troubling story of how hospitals are threatening the jobs of healthcare workers who refuse the flu vaccine.
Citing Obamacare as the primary driver of an initiative to vaccinate 90% of all hospital healthcare workers for the flu, Atkinson explains how nurses en masse are complying with this rule, even though they may disagree with the idea of injecting potentially risky and useless chemicals into their bodies, out of fear of being fired. They are afraid to lose their jobs.’
Read more: Healthcare Workers Warn That Mandatory Vaccines Are Already Here

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