Italy: Did Putin Do It Again?

Unlike the hysteria still continuing in the United States, no one is claiming that Russia fixed the voting machines for Italians’ overwhelming defeat of a referendum handing over their laws, courts, and legislature to the European Union. But the promoter of the referendum, Italian Prime Minister Renzi, is just as surely defeated and resigning.

As Russian President Putin observed on the same day in a television interview, “We now live in different times…. The global balance is gradually being changed.” Obama has lost again; another leader on whom he had lavished praise has conceded defeat by “the new paradigm.”

That new paradigm rejects the old one — ultimately of British financial imperialism — which Obama has served: Sacrificing economies to global financial markets and institutions; sacrificing industries to “free trade” treaties; removing unwanted “dictatorial” governments by constant wars. Ironically it was the British electorate which began the rejection, now spreading throughout the trans-Atlantic countries, of this “globalization” paradigm.

The new paradigm is epitomized by the nearly 70 major new infrastructure projects China is involved in funding, and in building, in the nations of Eurasia, Africa, and South America — potentially, in North America when Obama is out of the way.

It could soon be expressed by the way Putin is forcing a resolution of the attempted regime-change war in Syria; and by China’s New Silk Road development thrust coming into the Mideast as well. The European Union itself has bent to this “changing balance,” and today offered a Plan B in which it will help fund the reconstruction of Syria and give up the demand for Bashar al-Assad’s resignation.

Donald Trump’s election is an opening for the fight for this new paradigm in the United States — he was elected by rejection of old globalization policy, and shares some aims of the new.

But the America and Europe-wide hope for this new paradigm, is the campaign for Lyndon LaRouche’s “Four economic laws to save the United States,” discussed in the dialogue of the LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee, immediately below.

Watch the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee dialogue from December 6, 2016

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