Mercury in Vaccines

Two recent studies have found that elevated mercury levels in children were found to be correlated with the development of autism.  The authors of the first study (1) evaluated 84 autistic children and matched them with 84 controls.  Levels of pro-inflammatory blood markers (neurokinin A and B—pro-inflammatory neuropeptides that indicate the presence of mercury in the blood) were measured.  The authors found a linear relationship between the Childhood Autism Rating Scale and both of the blood markers.  Children with autism had significantly higher levels of serum neurokinin A and B than healthy controls.

The second study (2) looked at the level of mercury poisoning in children by measuring the urinary excretion of porphyrins which are compounds which can act as biomarkers for mercury toxicity.  100 subjects were enrolled in this study consisting of 40 healthy controls, 40 children with autism and 20 healthy siblings of autistic children.  Results showed that children with autism had significantly higher levels of mercury, lead and urinary porphyrins compared to both healthy controls and healthy siblings of autistic children. The mothers of autistic children showed a higher percentage of dental amalgams (fillings) compared to mothers of healthy controls.  This suggests that mercury levels in children with autism may be related to the mercury exposure from maternal dental amalgam.

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Mercury, like lead, is a toxic substance.  In fact, it is one of the most toxic substances known to mankind.  There is simply no justification for injecting any form of mercury into any living being. Mercury is still found in many vaccines including:

·         Influenza vaccine

·         Tetanus shots (DTaP, DT, Td)

·         Multidose H. influenza (Hib)

·         Meningitis vaccine (Menomune)

I have written to you many times about the dangers of mercury.  The most common sources of mercury are dental amalgams, fish, and vaccines.

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