More support for David Icke’s work – the ‘world’ IS an illusion, say scientists

‘Life is an illusion, at least on a quantum level, in a theory which has recently been confirmed by a set of researchers.
They finally have the means to test John Wheeler’s delayed-choice theory and concluded that the physicist was right.
In 1978, Mr Wheeler’s proposed experiment involved a moving object that was given the choice to act like a wave or a particle – the former acting as a vibration with a frequency that can distinguish it from other waves and the latter having no frequency that you can determine its position in space, unlike a wave – and at what point does it ‘decide’ to act like one or the other.
At the time, the technology was not available to conduct a strong experiment, but scientists have now been able to carry it out.’
Read more: More support for David Icke’s work – the ‘world’ IS an illusion, say scientists

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