Russian Ambassador Assassinated in ‘Open Provocation’; LaRouche Warns: Put Obama on the List of Suspects

Russian Ambassador Andrey G. Karlov was shot and killed Monday in Ankara, while speaking at the Contemporary Arts Center, in what Turkish President Recip Erdogan denounced—on behalf of President Vladimir Putin as well—was an open “act of provocation” against Turkey-Russian relations. The perpetrator, a 22 year old gunman, came to the event under false police ID, shouted radical slogans, and was himself shot within minutes of his crime, by Turkish special security forces.
The assassination comes on the eve of collaborative conferences on resolving the Syrian crisis, between Turkey, Russia, Iran and others, tomorrow in Moscow; and on Dec. 27 in Askana, Kazahstan, involving the Syrian government and moderate opposition. Turkey and Russia have recently cooperated in the evacuation of residents and rebels from eastern Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria, which began Dec. 15. This morning the UN Security Council unanimously approved the deployment of UN inspectors to monitor the ongoing process, following modifications to the draft in response to Russian objections.
On first reports of the assassination Monday, statesman Lyndon LaRouche warned, “Put Obama on the list of suspects.” LaRouche made reference to the nature of the act, and to the nature of President Barack Obama. The assassination itself was “a deliberate kind of kill—a set-up.” He said, “It’s not just vengeance, it’s a special operations act.” He urged that authorities “run down the people involved in any way in this.”
Secondly, LaRouche pointed out that Obama himself is on record for killings. He conducts, for example, the infamous Tuesday sessions for authorizing lists of drone targets. He deploys Americans to their harm and death in bloody regime-change military action in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere. Obama’s stepfather himself was a killer-agent in Indonesia. As the step-child, “He is intrinsically a killer,” LaRouche put it.
Obama specifically threatened action against Russia, at his Dec. 16 press conference and in an NPR interview. Obama asserted, without proof, that Russia hacked Democratic National Committee computers, and menacingly said, “I think there is no doubt that, when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action, and we will, at a time and place of our choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be. But Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about it.”
Monday’s assassination crime, and Obama’s threats and campaign against Russia and other nations, focus our attention as citizens of all nations, that we must continue to bear down hard, to enforce a shift to a new paradigm of development and peace, and put Obama and his axis out of action. The fact that he leaves
office in 30 days is no cause for ease, but just the opposite.  

This is underscored by new documentation of the evil character of the 16-year Bush/Obama regime, which came to light today. Newly-available FBI files—obtained under Freedom of Information Act demand—show that the FBI in 2012 was actively probing the support network for the 9/11 killer-hijackers—involving  Saudi backers, when in 2004, the FBI denied anything like that ever existed, and said there were no leads to pursue, following the publication of the 9/11 Commission report. At least two new individuals were identified as key co-conspirators with the San Diego cell of hijackers. The 2012 investigation extended to New York, London and Copenhagen.


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