Sneak and Peek: The Outrageous War on Terror Tool Being Wielded Against Alleged Drug Dealers

‘One night in 2006, somebody broke into the home of suspected Cleveland drug dealer Chevalier “Chevy” Robinson, making off with $2.8 million in cash and a half-ton of marijuana. A furious Robinson suspected the rip-off was the work of a rival dealer and vowed to kill him for the theft. He even played CSI investigator, trying to lift finger prints off a broken window pane.
It was to no avail. It turned out Robinson hadn’t been hit by a rival drug dealer or some neighborhood break-in artist. Instead, the black bag specialists who burgled his place were not criminals at all—they were cops.
And Robinson only found out the hard way: When he was indicted on numerous drug charges the following year. Then he learned he had been burgled by the DEA. And it was legal.’
Read more: Sneak and Peek: The Outrageous War on Terror Tool Being Wielded Against Alleged Drug Dealers

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