Social engineering in the West; the shutting down of human consciousness

‘“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of human behaviors, thoughts and opinions is the primary element in society. Those who hold the knowledge and manipulate these unseen mechanisms in society constitute the invisible government and are the true rulers of humanity. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, and our ideas are suggested, by men we never heard of”.
The above quote was made by Edward Bernays in 1928. He was referring to then already highly effective forms of mind control programs that humanity was subjected to in the manipulated 3 dimensional control matrix as we still know it. Close to a century later and with the help of numerous think tanks and institutes that serve the ruling elites like the Tavistock institute, mind control techniques have been refined to unimaginable levels, where humanity is on the brink of becoming fully robotized and ready to serve in the new world order, without even knowing it.’
Read more: Social engineering in the West; the shutting down of human consciousness

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