Socialized healthcare: Man forced to cut off own toes to save foot after being denied hospital treatment

‘Any American who truly believes that government-run healthcare (not just the catastrophe that has resulted from government-run health insurance via Obamacare) is a much better alternative than the private market, a) has not been paying attention to how badly the government runs the VA hospital system, and b) has never had to deal with government-run healthcare.
But there are plenty of examples of just how bad government-run healthcare – or more commonly known as socialized medicine – really is. And one need only look across the Atlantic to our closest ally, Britain.
Paul Dibbins, in an interview with the BBC, told the news network that he was forced to cut off his own gangrenous toes after his scheduled hospital operation for the same thing was cancelled.’
Read more: Socialized healthcare: Man forced to cut off own toes to save foot after being denied hospital treatment

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