SOYLENT PUKE: Silicon Valley financed ‘future food’ that made people violently vomit, loaded with MSG and GMOs

‘Instead of focusing on stopping the overuse of animal antibiotics, or the mistreatment of animals squeezed into filthy conditions and piles of fecal matter in an animal feeding operation (CAFO), the Silicon Valley technocrats would rather have you not eat meat at all. It’s just too carbon intensive and not good for the environment, they say.
So they’re raising and investing hundreds of millions of dollars to rethink food, according to the Financial Times. The money is on creating something that tastes like meat, alternative proteins without meat or putting a new tech twist on meat as food.
One Los Angeles start up – The Soylent Company – claims their food is “intelligently designed, while offering affordable, complete nutrition.” describes it as “tasteless goop.” Soylent had some difficulties at first. Their bars and their powders were taken off the market after two months when consumers had episodes of “violent vomiting” after consumption.’
Read more: SOYLENT PUKE: Silicon Valley financed ‘future food’ that made people violently vomit, loaded with MSG and GMOs

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