‘The Chinese Dream Is a Dream for All’

In an important policy piece published Saturday, the Chinese news agency Xinhua elaborated on the strategic outlook presented by the Chinese government in its latest white paper, at the G20 Summit earlier this year, and in the formation of the AIIB and the BRICS New Development Bank, that their goal is to extend to all nations China’s extraordinary success in ending poverty, achieving development, and creating a “win-win” new paradigm.

Xinhua quoted Ni Shixiong, the former dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, to make the point. “It is a dream with a global vision,” Ni said, referring to the concept of the Chinese dream that President Xi Jinping first presented four years ago. This same point has been repeatedly made by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her discussions of the intent behind China’s policy. Ni added: “China is now a participant, supporter and constructor of the international system.”

The important article, headlined “Xinhua Insight: Chinese Dream Is a Dream for All,” elaborates that the concept of the Chinese dream “inspires China to responsibly share development opportunities with the rest of the world. China proposed the Belt and Road initiative in 2013…. The results have exceeded the expectations of many, as the initiative has now over 100 participants and advocates, including countries and international organizations.” This approach, the article added, has led China to launch institutions such as the AIIB and the BRICS New Development Bank. “Most notably, the recent G20 summit — held in Hangzhou, China, in September — placed development issues on a prominent position.”

China is now actively helping to direct the course of humanity, the Xinhua policy piece concludes, paraphrasing Ni: “The Chinese dream [is] a common aspiration of the world. In a way the Chinese dream is not just about China, but represents the common value and ideals of all human beings.” 

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