The Election Never Ended

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Taking a step back, it was those who understand how much trouble the country is in who most accurately predicted the success of Donald Trump. While an out of control military-industrial-intelligence complex chased disastrous and wasteful wars abroad, and above-the-law Wall Street oligarchs ran amok making billions upon billions rigging every conceivable market, countless American communities slid further and further into the ravages of financial destitution. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time, and anyone who didn’t see it either wasn’t paying attention, or didn’t want to pay attention. As Upton Sinclair so poignantly observed:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

There is no group of individuals that can be so perfectly characterized by the above quote than the U.S. mainstream media. Our illustrious “fourth-estate,” which is supposed to be speaking truth to power, has essentially (with exceptions of course) been reduced to a cadre of professional ass-kissers and terminally wrong pundits, who very much like the worst amongst America’s corporate criminal class, is not only never held to account, but is often handsomely rewarded for repeated incompetence.

Read more here.

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