The Last Clown in Aleppo: ‘Mr. Alhamdo’ Does Bad Monty Python for Al Jazeera and CNN

‘What is more preposterous is how in the Al Jazeera segment filmed on Dec 5, 2016, Alhamdo claims that ‘Assad’s forces are closing in on me!” – as if it was his final hour. Nearly two weeks later, he hasn’t stopped Tweeting his polemic and uploading videos, allegedly from his flat in “free” East Aleppo.
So his “last hour” seems to be infinite – more proof that his over-the-top theatrics are most likely fictional. If should also be noted that there is no internet in East Aleppo, and hardly any 3G service over the last months, and yet Mr Alhamdo, and similar actors like Bana Al-Abed the famous 7 year-old Twitter prodigy and darling of the US and UK mainstream media, have somehow continuously been able to upload endless videos and social media posts online – raising the question of whether it’s really possible that they could be doing there PR campaigns from inside East Aleppo as they and the all-too gullible western media claim.’
Read more: The Last Clown in Aleppo: ‘Mr. Alhamdo’ Does Bad Monty Python for Al Jazeera and CNN

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