Trump Taps Zionist hardliner David Friedman as US Ambassador to Israel as embassy ‘moves to Jerusalem’. God help the Palestinians now

He doesn’t believe that annexing the West Bank will compromise Israel’s Jewish or democratic character, and he doesn’t think the settlements are an obstacle to peace.
But the real question is how much influence will David Friedman, Donald Trump’s senior adviser on Israeli affairs, wield on Middle East policy once his boss steps into the White House. If it turns out to be substantial, that would mean a major break with longstanding U.S. policy in the region.
Based on statements he has issued and columns he has penned, Friedman, an Orthodox bankruptcy lawyer, is positioned on the far right of the Israeli political map – more hardline in his views than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Read more: Trump Taps Zionist hardliner David Friedman as US Ambassador to Israel as embassy ‘moves to Jerusalem’. God help the Palestinians now

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