Will Paul Craig Roberts Get Russian Citizenship?

Well, talk about cutting through the red tape.

Just hours after RI republished a letter from top alternative media columnist Paul Craig Roberts asking President Putin for a Russian passport, the Russian president’s press spokesman has responded:

The Kremlin is ready to consider the issue of granting the Russian citizenship to Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, if he were to file a corresponding application, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.Earlier this week, Roberts asked Russian President Vladimir Putin in an open letter for a Russian passport. The official reminded that Putin had granted citizenship to Steven Seagal, expressing hope that “being a Russian agent is as important as teaching martial arts to Russians.” “A corresponding application needs to be filed in order to receive citizenship. It will be considered if it is filed,” Peskov told RIA Novosti.

We guess that Roberts wasn’t serious, but it looks like the Kremlin sure is.

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Dr. Roberts published the letter on his own website on the 28th, without receiving an official response.

There is no word yet on Roberts’ requested diplomatic appointment, but we presume the naturalization process has to be completed first. Legalities, you know.

Please forward your future citizenship request letters to Russia Insiderin order to expedite access to President Putin’s desk.

And can you believe the MSM accuses us of publishing “fake news?”

Reprinted with permission from Russia Insider.

The post Will Paul Craig Roberts Get Russian Citizenship? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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