Dow pushing farmers to continue using a pesticide linked to childhood ADHD and autism

‘Most Americans understand that in order to continue maintaining the world’s leading economy, corporations have to be regulated as lightly as possible and allowed to make a profit. But most also understand that there should be limits to both; regulations cannot be so light as to allow corporations to harm people or the environment, and profits should never be tied to products that harm.
But Dow Chemical is being allowed to do both, as it puts pressure on farmers to continue using a pesticide that scientists and researchers have tied to childhood ADHD and autism.
As reported by The Intercept, no comprehensive studies were done prior to 2014 into the link between autism and the chemical chlorpyrifos, which Dow manufactures as one of its principle pesticide ingredients.’
Read more: Dow pushing farmers to continue using a pesticide linked to childhood ADHD and autism

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