Homeschool dad sues federal government for kidnapping his seven children… medical tyranny run amok

‘If ever there was a more pertinent threat to individual liberty and the God-given freedom of parents to care for their children how they best see fit, it is the entity known as “Child Protective Services” (CPS), which all across the country has ripped apart the lives of thousands of families. But an Arkansas family that was victimized by the shady and thoroughly corrupt CPS agency in their home state could soon see justice if a landmark lawsuit they recently filed is successful.
A little over two years ago, Hal Stanley and his wife Michelle learned the hard way about how CPS views parents who defy the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) pharmaceutical mandate for treating sick children. When the couple was found to be harboring a dietary supplement known as miracle mineral solution, or MMS, in their home — MMS is not FDA-approved — armed law enforcement and CPS officials raided the home and kidnapped seven of the family’s home-schooled children.’
Read more: Homeschool dad sues federal government for kidnapping his seven children… medical tyranny run amok

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