Israel Kills 19-Year Old Palestinian on His Birthday

‘Israeli occupation forces killed a 19-year-old Palestinian in the West Bank city of Jenin as they raided the refugee camp in the city which sparked a protest by young Palestinians against the unjustified incursion.
Ma’an news agency reported that Mohammed Abu-Khalifa had just celebrated his 19th birthday hours before he was killed by live ammunition used by undercover Israeli troops who came into the camp in the early hours of Sunday before Israeli armored vehicles stormed the camp and clashed with Palestinian residents.
Palestinian medics said Abu Khalifa was shot with a live bullet in the lower back that went through his body and came out his abdomen. State-run Palestinian news agency Wafa said the young Palestinian man was left on the ground for hours before paramedics were able to evacuate his body.’
Read more: Israel Kills 19-Year Old Palestinian on His Birthday

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