Latest in asymmetrical warfare: Two Houthis in rowboat take out 377 foot, 2,600 ton French built Saudi operated Frigate with a crew of 176 officers and sailors aboard

‘Fighters of the Houthi-Saleh alliance have targeted and allegedly destroyed an Al Madinah-class missile frigate belonging to the Royal Saudi Navy off the coast of the Yemeni western province of Hudaydah.
According the pro-Houthi al-Masirah television network, anti-Saudi forces targeted a warship with a guided missile in waters near the port city of Hudaydah, 150 km southwest of the capital of Sana’a. 176 soldiers and officers, and a combat helicopter were onboard at the moment of the attack, the television network said in a report, citing an anonymous military source.
Pro-Houthi sources add that the warship was destroyed. However, this still has to be confirmed.’

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