Stick to LaRouche’s Issues

It is again time for the world to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche. The issues which have been his for decades are now the existential issues for trans-Atlantic nations whose “elites” have lost their leadership, and virtually lost their minds at the national electoral rejections and ousters hitting them.

Just as the U.S. Presidency has broken out of Atlanticist confinement, LaRouche’s ideas are now represented with increasing force by the new strategic triangle Russia-China-India. That new paradigm represents the only way the United States can productively go — and LaRouche has spelled that out in the Four Laws to save the United States.

So that is our mobilization, as unsettled as directions may be around the new Trump Administration. We should not rule out the importance of Trump’s intransigence at the British Royal Family’s attempt to shepherd him into a policy of war against Russia and war against industry and manufacturing; nor his intransigence against conservative GOP nuts like McCain and Graham, and against the Obama machine.

Helga repeated Monday from Sunday’s mobilization discussion, that the most important key is avoidance of World War III, in the way Lyn has specified and the only way it can be avoided, by a U.S. President who accepts Putin’s strategic genius and agrees to cooperation. That President is then cooperating, slowly but surely, with India and China as well. Trump, out of British and Atlanticist control, is taking some steps in that direction. That means forcing Glass-Steagall as quickly as possible, and organizing on Lyn’s Four Laws policy to revive the economy. That has to be our mobilization despite the hysteria that sends the elites into the streets to try to stop Trump.

Last week’s mobilization to keep Soros’s partner Mnuchin out of the U.S. Treasury and advance Glass-Steagall, is really just getting going. Mnuchin’s expected confirmation by the Senate Finance Committee was blocked yesterday evening by Democratic Senators but only until today, when the battle in the Committee resumes. Senate lines have to stay swamped, leading into the multiple delegations campaigning for Glass-Steagall on the Hill Wednesday. We will all have to watch out for Chuck Schumer’s falling crocodile tears, and keep organizing on LaRouche’s issues.

As Helga added today, they have contained American presidents for more than half a century, and contained Lyndon LaRouche for more than 30 years; now both are breaking out.

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