The Global Awakening and How You are Part of the Solution

‘In the quest for global domination the powers that be and their associates have had to build up layer upon layer of deception to control the human race, which only goes to show that they cannot enslave us through outright overt aggression alone.
For them, the fear of losing control is far greater than the fear experienced by the collective human race through their controlling: The controllers know that their armoury is a lot thinner and more vulnerable than what they have led us to believe…
In effect the controllers have made a fake reality where every insane perversion and paradox goes against the natural flow of things, allowing them (as they have) to parasite off the human race. But their theatre of illusion with its secrets and lies is getting found out by a growing number of awakened humans. –Indeed, what the controllers fear the most are the consequences of this…’
Read more: The Global Awakening and How You are Part of the Solution

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