David Icke is mad, right? Scientists say universe could be a hologram – just like he has long said it is

‘The universe could turn out to be a “vast and complex hologram”, meaning that life in 3D is an illusion, astrophysicists have said.
Researchers from the University of Southampton, working with colleagues from Canada and Italy, say they have found substantial evidence of a holographic universe – an idea first suggested in the 1990s.
They reached their conclusion after investigating irregularities in the cosmic microwave background – otherwise known as the “afterglow” of the Big Bang.
Evidence for the theory matches more traditional explanations in strength, they have said. Thus, what we think of as our 3D world may be an illusion.’
Read more: David Icke is mad, right? Scientists say universe could be a hologram – just like he has long said it is

David Icke – The Holographic Illusion of Reality – speaking more than a decade ago

Please circulate far and wide … this is the link – https://www.davidicke.com/article/401746/universe-vast-complex-hologram-scientists-say

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