Trump Picks Anti-Choice Federal Judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

‘Within minutes of President Trump’s nomination of federal judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, several hundred demonstrators had converged on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to protest his selection.
Waving signs proclaiming, “Gorsuch: Extreme and Dangerous” and “#NoWall #NoBan,” the protesters and a stream of speakers linked the conservative nominee to the administration’s unconstitutional ban on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, and pledged to defy both.
“This is the most egregious insult in the history of Supreme Court nominations,” declared Terry O’Neil, president of the National Organization of Women, triggering a chant of “Stolen seat, stolen seat!”‘
Read more: Trump Picks Anti-Choice Federal Judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

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